Morris Cerullo World Evangelism
Square Footage
San Diego, CA
Structured Cabling
Electronic Security Systems
Enterprise Networking (wired and wireless)
Audio-Visual Systems
Digital Signage
Overhead Paging
Broadcast Systems
Quality Assurance
The Project
S2N provided consulting and quality assurance services for Legacy International Center in San Diego, California.
Legacy International Center is an 18-acre luxury resort located in San Diego’s Mission Valley. It features a five-story hotel and spa, 500-seatpaviliontheater, and a welcome center with an interactive globe and domed motion theater. Other unique attractions include replicas of the Wailing Wall and underground catacombs, 8,000 square feet of outdoor retail space, an outdoor amphitheater, dancing multi-colored fountains, and expansive gardens.
S2N provided technical consulting and installation oversight for structured cabling, enterprise networking, and electronic security systems including access control, closed-circuit television, and intrusion detection. S2N also managed the installation of overhead paging systems as well as the installation of theater and conference room audio-visual systems.