Audio-Visual Systems
Electronic Security Systems
Structured Cabling
Overhead Paging
Physiological Monitoring
Temperature Monitoring
Real Time Locating Systems
Distributed Antenna Systems
Network Enterprises (wired and wireless)
Quality Assurance
The Project
S2N provided consulting, design-assist, and quality assurance services for the Inova Fairfax Hospital North Patient Tower and Critical Care Wing Renovation in Falls Church, Virginia.
The 300,000-square-foot hospital renovation features a 9-story, 166-bed patient tower with 28 isolation rooms and a two-story, 24-bed critical care building.
Prior to construction, S2N assessed the hospital’s technology systems and updated design documents so that all aspects of the systems’ requirements were fully understood. S2N’s scope of work also included selective demolition of existing technology systems and cable infrastructure in order to ensure there were no interruptions to active hospital operations.
During construction, S2N provided quality assurance and performed quality control testing on the installed technologies including audiovisual systems, synchronized clocks, real time locating systems, nurse calling systems, internet protocol television, and electronic security systems such as closed-circuit television and access control.